Jonathan Kirkpatrick recently was hired as a nursing manager in an acute care hospital for orthopedics, neurology, and two medical-surgical units for a for-profit corporation. Nurse Kirkpatrick is responsible for quality, cost, and morale for the units that he manages. As part of his employment package, he is rewarded with a bonus based on the amount of money that he is able to save the hospital.

1. What is the key challenge Nurse Kirkpatrick faces in most aspects of this new position?

2. One of the first things Nurse Kirkpatrick is asked to do in his new position is to “cut the fat” out of staff numbers. The corporation that owns the hospital believes there are too many nurses on the payroll. Personally, although he does not say so up front, Nurse Kirkpatrick disagrees. He believes the nurses currently on staff are all needed for quality of care. As he looks for ways to cut these numbers, what concerns might he raise to make administrative staff aware of the risks? Identify both ethical concerns and potential legal concerns.

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