500 Word Essay on Prejudice and Discrimination

Watch the online film, “A Class Divided prejudice and Discrimination”. Please watch the film and write a 500+

word summary. This one may take a bit more than 500 words to complete.


Make sure to: 1) discuss how social categorization (ingroup/outgroup) and how social identity processes prompted the children to behave in a discriminatory manner; 2) discuss how the assumptions underlying the contact hypothesis and the principle of re-categorization could have been used, or was used, to break the cycle of prejudice in the children; and 3) discuss/integrate TWO other social psychological constructs (from the textbook) that you believe operated in the context of “A Class Divided”. You should also summarize some content from each segment of the frontline special on this topic. The terms must be in bold and underlined to receive credit you must also include the time on the video where you found ill, term (e.g.  4 minutes 23 seconds) if relevant include the page and paragraph number of the term in the book.  Read the chapter on Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination. before doing this assignment.

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