Analyze the case and opinion in Keith v. County of Oakland, 2013 U.S. App. LEXIS 595 (6th Cir.) located in your textbook on pp. 337-342.

Write a case study review of Judge Griffin’s opinion that answers the questions below. Support your review with analysis and evidence from the unit reading and outside sources.

What are the legal issues presented in this case? Did the plaintiff establish a valid claim of failure to reasonably accommodate? What did the appeals court decide?
What accommodations was Keith requesting? Was it reasonable? Support your opinion with an argument based on the course concepts and existing legal evidence or precedents.
Did the county follow the interactive process required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? What did they do well? What could they have done differently? 

Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages

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