‘War is never over.’ Discuss with reference to the relations between war and violence.

-During class discussions regarding the topic of “violence”, the analysis focus has been placed on the conceptualisation of ‘slow violence’ (with references to Rob Nixon), therefore, I believe it would also be beneficial to include such a notion within the scope of analysis while addressing the essay question.

-Drawing out the implications of the question discussion, signposting remains essential and I would need to have it implemented at the end of each paragraph/section, in order to show a consistent defence of the main argument.

-Employment of a confident writing style

-Lastly, it would perhaps be beneficial to also “round off” the essay in the last two or so sentences of the conclusion, by speculating on further studies taking into consideration the ever-lasting consequences of war violence even after the conflict is over (or something else similar that could actually convey a critical understanding of the topic question)

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