The purpose of this assignment is to identify factors that must be considered when conducting global marketing campaigns.
For this assignment, imagine you work for a U.S.-based organization that sells household appliances and is considering opening stores internationally, starting with Brazil. You have been tasked with providing your recommendations in preparation for the expansion into Brazil. In 250-600 words, address the following:
Explore “The World Factbook,” located on the Central Intelligence Agency website. You will need to use this website and information to complete the topic assignment.

1. Discuss how you would modify the personal selling approach based upon the Brazilian target market. Provide an example of the specific changes you would make and justify the changes.
2. Identify ethical and regulatory issues that should be considered when marketing in Brazil.
Identify cultural and social considerations you should take into account as part of your marketing planning efforts. Explain how these factors make the marketing presented to the Brazilian audience different from what is presented to U.S. consumers.

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