After reading Chapters 5-7 (Juvenile Justice textbook) and viewing the Unit 2 videos, select and answer only two (2) of the following three (3) questions. Please make sure to provide a reply to at least one classmate’s post in a meaningful way and your reply should be at least 100 words:
1) Discuss what gangs are. How can gangs be defined? What delinquent or criminal activities are gangs involved in? Explain. Please be sure to support your statements with at least 3 points, ideas, discussions, etc. from the Juvenile Justice textbook, and/or videos. Please make sure to indicate the page number(s) in the textbook where the points are discussed. If using the video just include a quick parenthetical or statement. For example, “as discussed in the video about…” or (video on…). Please make sure your discussion response for question 1 is at least 600 words.
2) Discuss what drug treatment and prevention programs seem to be most effective or most promising? Explain why. Please be sure to support your statements with at least 3 points, ideas, discussions, etc. from the Juvenile Justice textbook, and/or videos. Please make sure to indicate the page number(s) in the textbook where the points are discussed. If using the video just include a quick parenthetical or statement. For example, “as discussed in the video about…” or (video on…). Please make sure your discussion response for question 2 is at least 600 words.
3) Discuss police work with juveniles. Also, how effective are police strategies in reducing juvenile crime or delinquency? Explain. Please be sure to support your statements with at least 3 points, ideas, discussions, etc. from the Juvenile Justice textbook and/or videos. Please make sure to indicate the page number(s) in the textbook where the points are discussed. If using the video just include a quick parenthetical or statement. For example, “as discussed in the video about…” or (video on…). Please make sure your discussion response for question 3 is at least 600 words.

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