Research, compose, and submit the paper described below by 11:59 pm (Central Time) of Day 7 of Week 2.

Points: 100

As you review the scenarios in this assignment and structure your conversations, keep the following considerations in mind:

  1. Am I communicating with a purpose?
  2. Am I building the relationship?
  3. Am I learning something, finding clarity or new information?
  4. Am I gaining a better understanding of the situation?
  5. Do I have adequate knowledge to make good business decisions?
  6. Am I respecting the other person, maintaining their self-esteem?

This assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your critical thinking skills and communication models to effectively structure conversations that achieve the best possible business outcomes.  It is important to become comfortable using communication models, since structured conversations are the basis for successful negotiation. The foundations of negotiating successfully are based on your ability to engage in powerful, pointed, and meaningful conversations that get you to your intended business outcome.

Instructions – Complete the instructions following Scenarios #1 and #2:

Scenario #1 – Setting Expectations

You are meeting with Sally, a new employee, in order to get her feedback on her first few weeks on the job. You are going to review and reiterate her personal responsibilities as an employee, as well as ask her for feedback about the job. Sally is on the schedule to work Tuesday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., and you set the meeting time for 8:00 a.m. that day. You reminded her of the meeting time on Saturday, just before she left work. Sally\\\’s day off was Monday. You check at 8:20 a.m. Tuesday morning and Sally has not arrived for work. She comes in at 8:30 a.m., which is the second time she has been late. When Sally arrives you approach her and say, \\\’\\\’Good morning, Sally. Let\\\’s have the follow-up discussion we planned for this morning,\\\’\\\’ and you both go to your office to talk. Sally starts the discussion by telling you that she \\\’\\\’loves working in the store\\\’\\\’ and has always been a dedicated employee. Sally really likes the people she works with, and she likes the company. She says she wants to do well and needs the job. Sally also reminds you that she does not have much experience in the company\\\’s industry, and that it can be \\\’\\\’hot work, customers are rude, and it is hard to be friendly with them during busy times.\\\’\\\’

  • Using course content and outside research related to difficult conversations, build an effective conversation to address the issues raised in the Setting Expectations scenario. Include both what you would say in the conversation and how you think Sally would respond.
  • Identify the communication model you use to structure your conversation. Your conversation should present the best possible solution to this business issue.

Following completion of your Setting Expectations conversation, explain how your conversation addresses each of the six questions listed at the beginning of this assignment.

Scenario #2 – Performance Feedback

You are the Store Manager and tomorrow you are meeting with Joe, one of your Assistant Store Managers, to discuss a performance issue. In Joe\\\’s previous position, he did an outstanding job, was an advocate for customer service, and a role model for other employees. About 3 months ago, Joe was promoted to an Assistant Store Manager position. Joe seems to be having some difficulty getting his arms around the business. Inventory counts are not getting done on time, sales are below plan, customer service issues aren\\\’t being resolved, and turnover is increasing. Tonight, the night before you planned on giving Joe feedback on the performance issues, one of the employees stopped and told you that Joe has been giving the employees the \\\’\\\’cold shoulder and they are not quite sure why he is acting like that to them.\\\’\\\’ They aren\\\’t sure what is going on, but they seem concerned. In previous conversations with Joe, he seemed a bit overwhelmed with his new position, and rather than take responsibility for the poor performance, he responded defensively. You tried to be supportive and coached him by advising him to spend some time getting to know his areas of responsibility and the tasks that he needs to accomplish. Joe has always received very good performance feedback. Unfortunately, the conversation you will have with Joe will be difficult. Joe is not achieving his objectives. It is your responsibility to have a powerful conversation with Joe about his work performance.

  • Using course content and outside research related to difficult conversations, build an effective conversation to address the issues raised in the Performance Feedback scenario. Include both what you would say in the conversation and how you think Joe would respond.
  • Identify the communication model you use to structure your conversation.  Your conversation should present the best possible solution to this business issue.

Following completion of your Performance Feedback conversation, explain how your conversation addresses each of the six questions listed at the beginning of this assignment.

Write a four-page paper (minimum) that thoroughly addresses all of the instructions for both Scenarios.  The minimum length does not include the title page, abstract, reference page, or any additional pages containing charts, appendices, etc. Cite a minimum of two outside sources used in your research to support your work. You must give appropriate credit to the sources of the material. 

Format Instructions:  Your paper must be double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, with 1” margins on all sides.  It must consist of a title page, abstract, body of the paper, and a reference page.  A running header and page numbers must be included per APA style guidelines.  Level I, Level II, and Level III headings must be used appropriately in the body of the paper.  An appendix (or appendices) must be included after the reference page.  The appendix/appendices should contain materials to support your answers to the questions posed in this paper. Since outside sources are required on this assignment, APA style in-text citations must be included in the body of the paper.  The guidelines for In-Text citations may be found here.  You are expected to follow all APA style guide requirements.  Here are your resources for more information and examples of papers in the APA style:

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