Instructions For Common Myth Paper

In this course, students will be required to prepare a two-page paper that addresses some preconceived idea concerning human psychology that the student believes upon entering the class (see topic choices below). In this paper, the student will discuss the evidence, which will consist primarily of empirical studies, that either supports or refutes this idea. As part of this discussion, students should address the principles addressed in the empirical data, the ways that these principles were tested, and how the results apply to the established (or preconceived) principle. In addition, the students will discuss the relevance of this knowledge to general society and how such knowledge might be used for bettering the social (or human) condition. In preparing this paper, students will be expected to follow proper principals of grammar and syntactic structure so as to demonstrate appropriate communication skills.

Topic Choices:
1. Playing Mozart’s music to infants boosts their intelligence.

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