Information Warfare: Separating Hype from Reality, Edwin L. Armistead. Potomac Books, April 2007, pages 27-44, 139-151.
Information Operations Matters: Best Practices, Leigh Armistead, Potomac Books, Inc, May 2010, page 62-81.
Perception Management: IO’s Stepchild
Why PM Matters
Why is there a Vulnerability
Insufficient Efforts to Date
Tipping the Scale in your Favor
Introduction Why is Strategic Communications Important? What has changed in the Information Age? The Rise of Information Strategy Recent Efforts by the Clinton, Bush and Obama Administrations Recommendations and Summary
Why PM and SC Matters
Conflict is not resolved by military forces alone – ie making rubble bounce Power has a number of elements including information The human mind is very complicated Budgets are limited It is a force multiplier It works!!
Why is there a Vulnerability
A Globalized Media Never-Ending News Cycle and an EverPresent News Reporting Real-Time Information The Internet Ever-Easier News Creation
Insufficient Efforts to Date
The Somalia Campaign (1992-1993) The United Nations in Bosnia The Campaign against the Taliban and Al Qaeda (2001 – ongoing) Operation Iraqi Freedom (2003 – ongoing)
Defining the Global Information Environment PM requires command attention and close coordination Coordinate internally Coordinate externally
Soft Power and SoftWar
Soft Power basically argues that one can significantly influence other nations through the cultural and informational aspects of its society. Advocated in 1990 by Joseph Nye, formerly of the Clinton Adminstration and now at Harvard. SoftWar was originated by Chuck de Caro, a former CNN reporter who advocates control of the media equates to control of the population. A colleague of mine, recent articles indicate that Iran is implementing this strategy.
Perception Management and Strategic Communications
Changes in importance
New working groups
New Policy
Is PM or SC really a military function?
Strategic Communications Defined
Strategic Communications first defined wrt IW in the IO Road Map (2003) Focused US Government processes and efforts to understand and engage key audiences to create, strengthen or preserve conditions favorable to advance national interests and objectives through the use of coordinated information, themes, plans, programs, and actions synchronized with other elements of national power
Updates to PM and SC Policy in the Bush Administration
Information Operations (JP 3-13) (DoD – 2006) Strategic Communications RoadMap (DoD 2006) U.S. National Strategy for Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communication (DoS – 2006)
PM Successes – Bush Administration Jeff Jones – former Senior Director for Strategic Communications and Information Coalition Information Centers – DC, London, Islamabad Karen Hughes and James Glassman at DoS “Public Diplomacy/Strategic Communication Policy Coordinating Committee “Four Es” of Public Diplomacy: engage, exchange, educate and empower
Elements of Soft Power in the Bush Administration Public Diplomacy International Public Information Psychological Operations Public Affairs
Advertising Media Affairs