For this assignment, you will write an essay that explores the topics of gender gap and compensation.
In your introduction, explain whether you think the gender gap is a women’s issue, men’s issue, or both. Explain your response and reasoning within your introduction.
Then, divide the body of your paper using the headers below, and cover in that section what is indicated under the header.
Closing the Gap
Explain why the gender gap continues to be an issue in our society and what can be done to help close this gap in terms of opportunities and pay.
Legal Provisions
Identify legal provisions that are in place for addressing the gender gap. Hypothesize why legal provisions have not been successful in closing the gap. Discuss how ethics may play a role in future changes.
Recruitment Planning
Explain what human resource professionals should consider when planning compensation and pay during recruitment planning.
Support your essay with a minimum of two resources from the Online Library. Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title or reference pages. Adhere to APA style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.

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