Term Paper Assignment

  • A revolt by enslaved intelligent robots; 

So, what I was thinking in terms of idea:

                        Marxism: inequality, discrimination over robots, they are taking for granted and use as a way to expand the wealth of the nation. They are not recognized as humans being that can develop emotions behaviour.

                  Realism: Because of the anarchy system, if there is an attack of robots. Everyone is going to try to maximize their security at other expanse so there would be a security dilemma and an inequal distribution of power. Strategic alliances.

Example of thesis : Considering the concept of realism and Marxism, how would the revolt of intelligent robots affect the world politically ?

From these ideas, prediction and consequences of intelligent robots attack

Choose your two theories from among the following traditions in international relations (IR) theory: realism, liberalism, constructivism, critical theory/Marxism, feminism, or the rationalist approach presented in the Frieden, Lake and Schultz textbook (that is, the “bargaining model of war” presented in Chapters 3-6, and/or the approach to explaining international political economy–known as “open economy politics,” though they don’t
use that term–presented in Chapters 7-9). You may focus on specific theories within those traditions (such as neorealism and neoliberalism) rather than on, say, realism or liberalism in general. But your two theories should be from different IR theoretical traditions (i.e., do not choose classical realism and offensive realism, both from the realist tradition). Choose international relations theories, not other theories or ideologies with similar names (that is, do not write about economic liberalism or neoliberal economic

Choose theories that are appropriate to the scenario (that is, the scenario fits the theories “scope conditions”) and would have something to say about it. If your chosen scenario is not the kind of situation to which a particular theory applies, don’t choose that theory. 

For a model of how to apply IR theories to a hypothetical scenario, you may wish to consult Daniel Drezner, Theories of International Politics and Zombies (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2011) or the 2015 “revived” edition. A copy is on 3-hour reserve at Webster library. 

Writing Style

Write as clearly and concisely as possible. Write in the active voice (“Marxism claims that…”) not the passive voice (“It is claimed that… according to Marxism.”) Write in the first person singular (“I argue that…”), not first-person plural (“We will argue that…”) or passive voice (“It will be argued that…”). Use only necessary words. And choose simple words rather than complex ones wherever possible. For further guidance on writing style, consult Strunk and White’s classic, The Elements of Style, the source of these principles.

Organizational Elements

Your paper must include the following elements:
An introduction and thesis: The introduction must say what your topic is, which


two theories you will discuss, and what your thesis is. Your thesis should be a claim about what the theories would predict about your topic, and your evaluation of those explanations. (Example: “While theory X predicts war, I argue that theory Y’s prediction of world peace is more convincing.”)

  • Explanations of the theories: You must explain the overall logic and key concepts of each theory. 

  • Application of theories to the scenario: Explain how each theory would analyze your chosen scenario: What predictions would it make? 

  • Your evaluation: What is your assessment of the theoretical perspectives on your chosen scenario that you have just presented? Do they complement or contradict each other? Which is more convincing, and why? 

General Requirements

  • To receive credit for the paper, you must submit a signed (by hand, not typed) copy of the “plagiarism pledge” distributed in class, and available on the Moodle course web page. Hard copies, scans, or photos are acceptable; 

  • The paper must be organized into sections, identified by headings and subheadings. Write an outline before you begin the paper; 

  • Write in paragraphs. Section headings do not replace paragraph structure. Each section must contain at least two paragraphs. Every page should contain at least one paragraph break.
  • State your thesis or main point early in the paper;
  • Spelling and grammar matter, as does the clarity and organization of your

writing. Proofread and revise; 

  • Include a title page and bibliography (which do not count toward the page length

guideline). Do not number the title page; 

  • Number all pages except the title page. The first page of text should be numbered


Sources and citations
1. First: Do not plagiarize. Plagiarism is “The presentation of the work of another person, in whatever form, as one’s own or without proper acknowledgment” (Undergraduate Calendar 2018-2019, page 55). You must provide citations to any material drawn from a source (and if you use the source’s exact words, also quotation marks). Paraphrases must be substantially different in both words and structure from the original language.

2. Use Chicago author-date style for reference formatting. Follow the formatting guidelines carefully.

4. Include at least two (2) references to books and three (3) references to peer-reviewed academic journal articles (not newspapers or magazines) to support your analysis. This means you must include in-text citations to two books and three articles, not just list them in your bibliography. A selected list of relevant peer-reviewed academic journals available in the library, and guidelines for finding peer reviewed journals, are available at the Moodle course web page. For electronic books, provide the web address or digital object identifier (DOI) in the bibliography. Book previews from google books do not count toward the three book references

If you write on one of the three topics listed below, you must cite from the following specific relevant course reading for that topic:

Chinese financial crisis: Chapter 8 of Frieden, Lake, and Schultz. Global warming: Chapter 13 of Frieden, Lake, and Schultz. Intelligent robot revolt: Chapter 6 of Frieden, Lake, and Schultz.

6. In-text citations must include the specific page numbers on which you found the specific fact or idea that you are citing (unless the source is an unpaginated web page).

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