Now you have finished reading A Wrinkle in Time by  Madeleine L’ Engleso , so write your science-fiction adventure story.  

Use the Story Craft guide to remember the elements of a story.  

Also, include what you have learned in A wrinkle in Time about :

1- dimensions

2- space and our solar system

3- Use at least 30 from the following vocabulary you have learned in A Wrinkle in Time :

Sarcastic   Unsubstantial   Seethe  
Unceremoniously   Bravado   Solemn  
Happy Medium   Fascination   Myopic  
Enormous   Impressionable   Vulnerable  
Flounce   Inefficient   Aberration  
Bellow   Arrogance   Writhe  
Sore   Radioactive   Anticlimax  
Inadvertent   Hypnotize   Unkempt  
Antagonistic   Defiant   Simultaneously  

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