Write a 7-8 page, thesis driven paper (1500-2000 words, including MLA Works Cited page) on William Shakespeare Macbeth and Hamlet. Paper must analyze the author’s work from a biographical, theoretical, historical and/or critical standpoint. 
*You may consider these questions when developing your thesis and writing your paper: 
What internal or external forces are driving the work of the writer? How was the writing received and what effect did it have on its audience? What would you say are the author’s major themes of his/her work? How do the themes and elements of the writing work together to make their impact? Why would the author employ these elements? Use MLA citation and a Works Cited page. The essay must be double-spaced, have a 12 point font and one inch margins all around the page, and use the following heading on the upper left hand corner of the first page: 
Your Name Essay # or 
Word Count 

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