1.The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West
2.Empires, Nations & Families
In a 3-5 page essay, double-spaced, address the following using material from the books by Andrew Graybill and Anne Hyde.

How does the story of the Clarke family compare or contrast to the framework of family history in the West as presented by Anne Hyde in Empires, Nations, and Families?
One way to approach it is this: is the story of the Clarkes through the mid-twentieth century a continuation of the patterns of family networks explained by Hyde, or is there a historical break that makes their world distinctly different from that of earlier western families?
You may address the main question in other ways, if you prefer.
If you use direct quotations, make sure to present them with clear, effective context. Also cite the source for any quotations. You may use footnotes or parenthetical citations, such as (Graybill, 174).

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