Limited Dichotomy of Power: How the Supreme Claimed its power of judicial review and precedence yet still is limited (writer’s choice, title is something along those lines)

How did Marbury vs Madison elevate the the judiciary Branch to the other branches of government (legislative and executive). how Marshall was a strategist, saw this as an opportunity to claim its power as the supreme court. But years later in Cherokee v Georgia Chief Justice Marshall ruled in favor of the Cherokees. Yet still the cherokees were forced to leave due to PresJackson’s mandate of the forced journey called the trail of tears. Citd Jackson’s apocryphal quote of the ruling: “John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it”. Even though Marshall ruled in favor of the cherokees, how and why did the other branches of government ignore and not heed the judiciary decision. Please give modern day examples of 1 or 2 supreme court cases that relate to judicial review and the courts limited power and limited role of judges.
A paragraph for each that sets up the context, presents evidence, analyzes evidence, and summarize/conclude including what I have learned.

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