explain the impact of tariffs between the U.S. and China.
please bring sources also from the following:
Wall Street Journal
NY Times business section
The Financial Times
Also, I would like you to present in the paper the following points.
• Brief history of the market
• What role the financial market plays in the global market
• Major regulations governing the market
• Discuss which financial instruments are available to be traded in the market besides debt and equity
• Track the performance of the equity market since the financial crisis and discuss how the market has
performed including the driving factors behind this performance
• Identify the local currency underpinning the market and how the currency has performed including
an indication of any impact the currency had on the performance of the financial markets
• Discuss the major points of monetary policy in the country since the financial crisis and any impact
the monetary policy had on the performance of the financial markets being specific in your

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