Please select an S&P 500 corporation and communicate this selection to the instructor as soon as possible. An email sent to the instructor is required as time-stamped proof of any selection. Every student must select a different firm. The list of the firms already selected will be updated next.
Below please find the list of companies already selected:
The report should not exceed two pages in length, typed, & single or double-spaced. Failure to submit a copy through SafeAssign will result on a zero grade.
Analyze a publicly traded company and report information regarding the concepts covered throughout the semester. In particular, address and highlight the following:
- Review the performance of the firm’s stock price to the industry and the market in general since the beginning of the semester, July 9th. Has this firm been a relatively good investment for its shareholders, compared to the competition, and to the overall stock market?
- In terms of risk, how has the firm’s beta changed over the last five years?
- What is the firm’s capital structure (total debt ratio, deb-to-equity ratio, etc.)? How does it compare to three other firms in its primary industry?
- What is the firm’s dividend policy (not paying dividends is also a dividend policy)? Is it similar to others in the industry? Has there been any dramatic change in policy over the five-year period (increases/decreases/stock to cash/cash to stock)? Have there been any stock splits? Has the firm repurchased shares? If so, what difference has this made?
Please explain (graphs would be nice) why the company’s characteristics are what they are…based on your discovery is it the economy, the industry, management philosophy, good times/bad times, etc.