Here are some notes,pleae help me i have a D in that class bearly the 3 week of school and am falling behind!
Here are some notes that can help you,i already have the thesis and everything set up i just dont have time to write it on my own.Just make it work.
In 1775 the South colonies had hot weather to plant rice,tobacco and cotton,which led trade, and having African slaves for the plantations in their land.Therefore South colonies had a decline of tabacco and limits of sugar,rice and long-stable in 1778.While the Middle colonies they produced a lot of corn, wheat and livestock including beef and pork,which also increased slave work.You may want to include some of this or else their going to know i dint write this…
During the 17th and 18th century, the South and Middle colonies religious differences and geograpgy locations.Settlements were seperated into four different colonies which led to different cultures and different work system.MIddle colonies were a but more independent and could vote on thier own legislator,but the south could not vote nor it was independent.

In conlcusion South colnies and Middle colonies had large African slave trade,crops,and agriculture economy.Furthermore the South and Middle colonies had their similaryties and differences which cause the South and Middle colonies to be independent. South and Middle colonies were adapting to the weather at that time which still affects us till this day b/c geography locations are different in this areas and citizens of does state/countries are adapting to a different life

A. Topic Sentence 1 =
1. Crop growing



4. Decline of tabacco in the South

5. more religuose freedome in the Middle then in the South

B. Topic Sentence 2 =

1. Elected their own legislator

2. diverse colonies in the MIddle colonies

3. agriculture similaryties

4. Soil similarities for grwoing crops

5. south discouraged settlements

-Hot weather to plant crops
-Northerners defended the South
-agriculture economy growe increasingly productive and prosperouse
-Trade:sugar,rice.tabacco,cotton.All this made the South a major force in international commerce
-South emerging capitalist world of the U.S and its European trading partners
-owned slaves
-colonies South and North Carolina,Maryland,Virginia
-Topper Southerners continued to rely on tabacco
-rice took to long too grow (9 months),which led to Southerns only grew rice in small areas
-Sugar cultivation required intensive labor and long growing time
-therefore,Producers/farmers faced major competition from great sugar plantations of the Caribbien
-the decline of tabacco economy and limits of the sugar,rice and long-stable

-diverse colonies
-Jamestown was the first succeful middle colonie
-The middle colonies has rich soil and the perfect climate to farm, this would increase trade by a lot the perfect region for agriculture, could also grow crops that the other colonies would not be able to
many abundant forests in Pennsylvania which would mean for the success of lumber and ship bulding industries

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