Delivery Methods and Technologies


Training Strategies And Assessment



Kolb’s Theory of Learning states that for the learner to fully grasp the concepts and ideas, they have to touch all the bases. Kolb’s theory has four stages of learning; concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Honey and Mumford’s Theory of Learning this theory came about as a variation of Kolb’s theory of leaning. Although Honey and Mumford’s Theory of Learning has more similarities than differences with Kolb’s theory. Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles (VAK) has three basic learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. In today’s work environments, it has become increasingly important for employers to align themselves with current trends in workplace training. Although traditional methods of learning are still in use today, it has become increasingly important that organizations go for performance improvement and performance support. The training cycle is continuous and repeats itself, employees who do not grasp concepts will have the chance to undergo the training again until there is common knowledge of the training concepts.

Delivery methods and technologies come in different categories. The most popular include scenario-based learning and microlearning-based training. Each of these comes with its advantages as well as shortcomings. Along the same line of thought, there are factors that lead to the adoption of each of these methods. For instance, scenario-based learning has been known to apply real-life situations in providing solutions in given organizational loopholes. Similarly, microlearning-based training is popular for its brief approach. It is appropriate especially where participants have tight schedules. A downside of the scenario-based learning comes in its expensive nature when simulating scenarios. It can also lead to errors due to a mismatch in the real-life situations. Due to its brevity, microlearning-based training is not appropriate for long term objectives. Moreover, the learners may not adequately understand the concepts within such a short time. This paper has also discussed learning management system, which is basically a software used in the management of organizations’ eLearning programs.



Delivery Methods and Technologies

  1. Kolb’s Theory of Learning

            This theory was invented by David Kolb. According to Manolis, et al. (2013), Kolb’s theory has four stages of learning and four learning styles. Kolb advocated for learning through experience. The four stages of learning are concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The four sages are discussed below:

  1. Concrete experience – This stage involves the learner actually experiencing the learning process by either seeing, taking part, or experimenting.
  2. Reflective observation – In this stage, the learners review what they have learned in the earlier stage.
  3. Abstract conceptualization – Here, the learner attempts to put what they have learned into perspective by imagining it in real life situations.
  4. Active experimentation – This is the stage where the learner now applies the skills they have learned. In this stage, the leaner actualizes the ideas by doing.

The theory further states that for the learner to fully grasp the concepts and ideas, they have to touch all the bases. Additionally, each learner has their own distinct learning style. Kolb’s learning styles are as follows:

  1. Diverging – This style involves feeling and watching
  2. Converging – Here, the leaner partakes in feeling and doing
  3. Assimilating – The learner is involved in thinking and watching
  4. Accommodating – The learner partakes in thinking and doing

Kolb further adds that once the employee or trainer is able to identify each employee’s learning style, then each learner can receive specialized training in order to learn faster.

  1. Honey and Mumford’s Theory of Learning

This theory was developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford. According to Çakıroğlu (2014), this theory came about as a variation of Kolb’s theory of leaning. Honey and Mumford, when introducing their concepts, stated that their theory had more similarities than differences with Kolb’s theory. Their theory, therefore, also had four styles of learning. They named each style according to the characteristics of each learner as follows:

  1. Activist – This learner likes to take part in the learning process, rather than watching from the sidelines. Activists are fully involved in the learning activities.
  2. Theorist – The theorist is interested in learning all the facts before fully endorsing the learning process. This means that they prefer to conceptualize first before taking part in further activities.
  3. Pragmatist – The pragmatist is an experimenter. They prefer to be guided by logic as opposed to accepting ingesting knowledge that has no logical backing.
  4. Reflector – Finally, the reflector prefers to learn, give the knowledge some further thinking, and going deeper into the concepts. Reflectors end up making conclusions of the learning process.

The theorists further added that most leaners incorporate the use of all the four styles of learning. However, most people have one or two dominant styles ().

  1. Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learning Styles (VAK)

            This theory suggests that learners have three basic learning styles: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. According to Sarabdeen (2013), learners who use the auditory style of learning prefer the processes of reading and talking. They may prefer to read out loud rather than skimming through information with little or no speech. Visual learners on the other hand, prefer to read and write down the information being passed on during training. They may also prefer demonstrations and study charts. Finally, the kinesthetic learners ingest knowledge through touch and movement. They love to be stimulated through physical activity.

Major Trends for Workplace Training

            In today’s work environments, it has become increasingly important for employers to align themselves with current trends in workplace training. This is to ensure that employees continue learning new concepts as they are discovered. The following are some of the major trends in workplace training:

  1. The use of gamification courses has become more prevalent. This involves the use of games and similar techniques as a way of motivation employees (DuVernet& Popp, 2014). This method has been effective because it takes away work-related stress from employees’ minds.
  2. Video learning has also become popular in workplace training. Managers have turned to the use of online video platforms and video presentations to administer training to employees.
  3. Workplace trainers are also incorporating the use of learning management systems. These are systems that assist with data collection and the personalization of learner course information (Coskuncay, 2013).

Reasons for the Trend Away From Traditional Training

            Although traditional methods of learning are still in use today, it has become increasingly important that organizations go for performance improvement and performance support. Reasons for this trend are listed below:

  1. These modern ways of training enable that each employee’s weakness are known and, therefore, necessary support can be offered.
  2. They have made it easy for employees to master their roles and responsibilities because of specialized learning techniques.
  3. These methods have ensured that each employee receives training according to their unique learning styles.

Optimal Approach for the Project    

            The best training approach for The New Hope Shelter will be by utilizing Kolb’s theory of learning. This is because this form of learning incorporates thinking, watching, doing, and feeling. This means that employees will be fully indulged in the training activities. The trainers will integrate video training, physical demonstrations, and brainstorming activities. Furthermore, because the training cycle is continuous and repeats itself, employees who do not grasp concepts will have the chance to undergo the training again until there is common knowledge of the training concepts.

Key Characteristics of the Target Learners

            The learners at The New Hope Shelter will be working class adults. This means that the learners will want to feel in charge of their learning processes and outcomes. Therefore, the trainers will have to work hand-in-hand with them to ensure everything runs smoothly. Additionally, the learners will have a wealth of knowledge on the subject matter. Hence, the trainers will work to add on to their existing knowledge.

Furthermore, the learners will be results-oriented because they will be in a position to understand what will be expected of them from the job. Fourthly, the learners will be reserved on the kind of training objectives required of them. Through experience, the learners will have developed an interest in some areas and lost interest in other areas. Finally, the learners will be expected to have other responsibilities apart from their jobs.

Learning Objectives of the Training

By incorporating Kolb’s model of learning, the learning objectives will be as follows:

  1. To help the learners understand the nature of emotions homeless people have to deal with.
  2. To assist learners to think critically about the ways in which they can make life easier for the homeless.
  3. To help the learners understand ways through which they can escalate minor infractions.
  4. To make learners understand what to do in times of emergencies.
  5. To help learners understand how to maintain emotional intelligence regardless of the situation.

Benefits of the Proposed Training and Methodology

            The main benefit of the methodology is that it will provide learners with the ability to think critically about how to solve problems at the facility. Secondly, the training method will enable learners to gain tangible experience because it will involve physical activity and demonstrations. Finally, the training will offer students a deep understanding of the concepts because it will be repeated for learners who will not grasp certain ideas (Reinholz, 2016).

Scenario-Based Learning

Scenario-based learning is a form of active learning whereby learners indulge in activities that simulate real-life scenarios. This form of training is specifically applicable to the tasks that require high critical thinking during decision making (Andrews, Dyson, & Wishart, 2015). For instance, at The New Hope Shelter, the learning method can be applied to train the learners on ways of dealing with emergencies in the organization. Scenario-based learning supports Kolb’s model of learning as it helps learners go through the four stages of the learning cycle. In the provided example, abstract conceptualization takes place during the oral training on ways to cope with emergencies. Concrete experience is achieved when the learners and engaging the simulated activity (Konak, Clark, & Nasereddin, 2014). Reflective observation takes place when the learners are reflecting on their experience during the simulated activity. Finally, the learners engage in active experimentation when the scenario occurs in real life. The technological tools that can be applied in this learning method include the scenario authoring tools that aid in the creation of structured scenarios that are accessible to the learners.

Microlearning-Based Training

Microlearning involves the delivery of bite-sized information. This form of training is aimed at achieving one specific outcome. The training method has been embraced following the rapid technological advancements as well as the reducing attention spans of the workforce (Göschlberger & Bruck, 2017). This form of training can be applied The New Hope Shelter to help the workforce familiarize with the emotions of the homeless people as well as ways of enhancing their emotional intelligence. Some technologies that can be used in this learning method include brief videos such as Ted Talks that can be applied to training the employees on emotional intelligence. Instructive animation on the living conditions of homeless people can be used to help the learners understand the nature of the individuals’ emotions.

The Rationale for Scenario-Based Learning

The choice of scenario-based learning as a training technique has been guided by a variety of factors. First, this form of training aids aligning the training process with real-life situations (Andrews, Dyson, & Wishart, 2015). During this process, the learners are equipped with ways of adapting to complex real-life scenarios in a friendlier environment. Second, the learning method aids in identifying the existing loopholes within the organization based on the errors made during the simulated activity. This helps the organization to act proactively. Also, the training method enhances the engagement of the learners during the learning process which supports their experiential needs (Andrews, Dyson, & Wishart, 2015). The choice of scenario authoring tools has been guided by the nature of the training method. The scenario authoring tools aids in developing various scenarios that can occur in real life. For instance, videos can be used to present life-like scenarios whereby the learners can participate in active decision making.

The Rationale for Microlearning-Based Training

The choice of the microlearning-based training method has been guided by various factors. This form of training meets the needs of the target group which is composed of working class individuals. Given their tight schedules, the target group requires brief training sessions, which is achieved through the use of the microlearning-based training. Also, this method is effective in enhancing the understandability of the modules by the learners due to their brevity (Göschlberger & Bruck, 2017). Also, this form of training can enhance the engagement of the learners through the use of a variety of learning tools. The choice of the technologies has been guided by the nature of the training method. The use of brief videos can aid in the delivery of specific and concise content. On the other hand, the instructive animation can aid in engaging the learners during the short training sessions.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Scenario-Based Learning

            There are various advantages associated with the use of the scenario-based learning. First, the training method allows the learners to experience high-risk activities in safe environments. Second, the training method aids in the identification of errors in the organization’s processes (Andrews, Dyson, & Wishart, 2015). Third, the scenario-based training enhances the engagement of the learners during the training process. Fourth, the training method enhances critical thinking among the learners. Fifth, the learning enables the organization to be proactive. Sixth, performing the training technique iteratively enhances the comprehension of the trainees.

However, there are various disadvantages related to the application of the scenario-based training technique. First, there may be a mismatch between the simulated activities and the real-life situations. Second, the technologies used to develop the structured simulated scenarios are very expensive and they require constant maintenance (Andrews, Dyson, & Wishart, 2015). Third, the process may be time-consuming as the learners also require training on the use of the simulators. Fourth, since there are no real consequences to errors made by the learners, the training may not be effective in enhancing the performance of the learners.

Cost-Benefit Analysis of Microlearning-Based Training

The use of microlearning-based training technique presents various benefits to an organization. First, the training method is time-saving and it aids in the quick closing of the knowledge gap among the trainees. Its brevity suits the shrinking attention spans among the employees. Second, the learning method is interesting due to its application of diverse formats which may enhance the employees’ engagement during the training process (Göschlberger & Bruck, 2017). Third, the training method is cost friendly as an organization incurs low costs in the production of course materials. Fourth, the training technique ensures quick achievements as the trainees are able to process the brief contents delivered through this method.

The training technique also presents various disadvantages. First, the learning method may hinder the achievement of long-term learning objectives. This is mainly due to the existence of fragmented content. Learners may find difficulties in connecting the different contents. Second, the brevity of the training technique may lead to the trainers missing some key concepts of the training process (Göschlberger & Bruck, 2017). Third, the training technique may hinder cognitive synthesis among the learners due to lack of enough content to developmental models. Fourth, the application of a variety of formats during the microlearning process may create confusion among the learners.

Learning Management System (LMS)

A learning management system can be described a software-based platform that is used to deliver, manage, and measure the performance of an organization’s eLearning programs (Stantchev, Colomo-Palacios, Soto-Acosta, & Misra, 2014). There are various ways in which the LMS can be used in The New Hope Shelter for training purposes. First, the organization can use virtual classes whereby the learners can seek clarification on concepts taught earlier. Second, the LMS can be applied in promoting interacting among the workforce through virtual discussion boards. The learners can exchange ideas on the various concepts taught. The trainers can monitor the discussions and offer constructive feedback to the leaners. Third, the LMS can be used in administering regular quizzes in an organization (Stantchev et al., 2014). The learners can log in to the organization’s portal through their personal accounts to aid in the assessment of each individual’s performance. The results of the online quizzes can be used to identify knowledge gaps in the organization and which can help the trainers in tailoring the training techniques to individuals’ needs.

There are various reasons for using a learning management system with the project. First, the LMS is a cost-effective way of delivering training to the organizational members. The LMS enhances the independence of the employees in the learning process which cuts down on the onboarding costs for new employees. Second, the LMS allows for training of multiple audiences which aids in saving time (Stantchev et al., 2014). Third, the LMS aids in the centralization of the learning process which enhances the monitoring of the learning outcomes across the organization. Fourth, the LMS ensures the effective use of organizational resources as the learning materials can be used over time. Fifth, the application of the LMS ensures the constant updating of the learning contents (Stantchev et al., 2014). Sixth, the LMS is an effective tool for identifying the knowledge gaps within an organization through the monitoring of the performance of the employees in the online tests. Seventh, the organizational management can easily assess the impact of training on the organizational performance through the tracking of the learners’ progress. Also, the LMS enhances self-improvement among organizational members by undertaking professional development courses.





Project Management Timeline




Andrews, T., Dyson, L. E., & Wishart, J. (2015). Advancing ethics frameworks and scenario-based learning to support educational research into mobile learning. International Journal of Research & Method in Education38(3), 320-334.

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Göschlberger, B., & Bruck, P. A. (2017). Gamification in mobile and workplace integrated microlearning. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services – iiWAS ’17.

Konak, A., Clark, T. K., & Nasereddin, M. (2014). Using Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle to improve student learning in virtual computer laboratories. Computers & Education72, 11-22.

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