HS Ethnic Diff MOD2

The Native Americans consists of the indigenous Indians with diverse ethno cultural groups. Further, their history was disenfranchised, uprooted, and subjugated within the society of the Americans. Regarding their homes, elders are paid tribute because of their perceived wisdom, knowledge, and experience. Although many Native Americans have been assimilated to the English culture, some of them maintain their native languages, identify as Indians, and practice exhibition ceremonies of the group. Regarding the incidences of diseases, regional and cultural diversity is demonstrated (Schultz, 2000). This is depicted in the traditional medical beliefs and folks in their homes. Concerning help seeking mechanism, the elders assume the duties of teachers and taking care for the young people. The phenomenon means that the elders’ wisdom and duties are executed smoothly by relying on the extended values of the family. Further, they express reservations on network agencies offering traditional services. The Indian Health Service assists the Native Americans to acquire medical assistance and maintains a database of the health-seekers living in reserved centers (Möschel, 2014).

The Hispanic population entails people from Cuba, Mexico, Spain, and South America among others. Their ethnicity is identified and guided in the family units, spirituality, religion, and help seeking mechanism.  Regarding the family and home, the Hispanics pay homage to the unit and offer support (Möschel, 2014). Further, the families express reservations concerning assistance for care options. The underlying reason is that the care is offered by the extended family members. The grandchildren and the adult children are of great significance in bringing care and access to health services. Concerning their spirituality, most Hispanics profess Catholicism while a section are Protestants. The Latinos seek solace and emotional comfort from the churches as a mechanism of addressing stress (Nanda & Warms, 2011). Regarding help seeking methods, the Hispanics respect the doctors and are viewed as authority figures. The scenario means that they acknowledge personal and close relationship with the medics rather than distant approaches.




Nanda, S., & Warms, R. L. (2011). Cultural anthropology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage.

Möschel, M. (2014). Law, lawyers and race: Critical race theory from the United States to         Europe. Milton Park, Adingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group

Schultz, J. D. (2000). Encyclopedia of minorities in American politics. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.


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