Subject Learning Objectives: B, C and E
This assessment task contributes to the development graduate attributes: 1.0, 2.0, 4.0 and 5.0
Weighting: 50%
Due: 11.59 PM Monday 24 October, 2016 via the designated assignment portal in UTSOnline, located in the assessment folder
Length: 1500-2,000 words (50%)
Task: Students are to further develop their unfolding case scenarios with the integration of script for conversations which facilitate understanding of communication needs in the scenario and strategies for different communication techniques. Tabling and detailing of learning, education and decision support resources applicable to the case.
Scripted conversations: The inclusion of scripted conversations which are integral to the unfolding case scenario (previously submitted). The scripted conversations are aligned to relevant learning objectives and demonstrate a capacity to extend the learners (target audience of the case) understanding of the case and critical thinking in this area. The scripted conversations demonstrate effective communication techniques which will facilitate discussion for the merits of these techniques for the learner.
Learning and decision support resources: Tabling of learning, education and/or decision support resources which are applicable to the case for content and learning objectives. Discussion of the rationale for selection of the resource and detail of the contribution the resource makes for a range of outcomes is also discussed.
Note: Students are not to submit the previous assessment item (Assessment Item 1) with this paper.
Students will receive feedback as per the marking criteria and within the paper.