The Argumentative Essay Assignment


Write a well-crafted essay that identifies a crisis or issue faced by your community and proposes possible solutions for this issue or crisis. You illustrated that this problem exists in your illustration essay (I will upload this essay), you have compared and contrasted how your community struggles with this issue in your comparison/contrasting essay, and now you are ready to analyze your community’s crisis or issue more closely and provide evidence-based solutions for that issue.  MLA 8


Assignment Criteria:

Five sources required: I will provide several articles from Academic Search Complete database that is mentioned below, with citations on the last page of each article.


  1. An academic journal article you find from the Academic Search Complete


  1. This article should discuss the issue or solutions that can be used for this issue you have identified for your community.
  2. Another academic journal article you find from the Academic Search Complete This article should discuss the issue or solutions that can be used for this issue you have identified for your community.
  3. A magazine or newspaper article you find that covers an event that actually happened, related to your community’s
  4. Another magazine or newspaper article you find that covers an event that actually happened, related to your community’s

NOTE: If the required sources that I initially provide cannot be used, contact me with specifics and I will access the database and try to find what is needed.

  • A minimum of 4-6 full pages, not counting the Works Cited page is required. For an insurance policy, I recommend making sure you have a little over four pages minimally.

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