This is a three different part assignment. 

Each assignment should be 200 word long and each one has different tasks

#1_Watch this movie and answer the question 


Please discuss the different segments or areas that Reyner Banham perceives L.A. to be.  How did his position as an ‘outsider’ help him to see the city somewhat objectively?  How do you divide the city up in your own mind?  Open question – what aspects of L.A. do you appreciate and not appreciate and why?

#2_Watch the classic film about LA: Chinatown. ( I don’t have it you need to look for it) Then Read. Reading #2  9 provided. After answer the question 


Los Angeles is often described as a “city of dreams.”  In Chinatown Noah Cross and Hollis Mulwray are leaders with a strong individual vision of what is right and wrong for both their families and city.  In his essay, Towne critiques our urban culture as one which tears down, destroys, ignores and forgets the past.

Drawing upon the film, write about what role you think individual vision plays in creating culture.

Talk about the risks of corruption that come with power and what you think those risks have to do with how cities change and develop, and why.  Drawing upon the essay, discuss also the role you think that an understanding of the past plays in imaging and shaping the future and why. Finally, explain what you think the film means by the term “Chinatown” and what this term, as it is used in the film, has to do with dreams and power.

Cite at least three examples from the film or essay to support your argument.

#3_WATCH  L.A. Plays Itself ( I don’t have it you need to look for it) and answer the Question 


The film claims that L.A. is not easily recognizable in films.  Why not?  What aspects of L.A. make it difficult to identify and define?  What does the filmaker perceive neo-realism to be? Are there also disappeared spaces in the film?  What is one of them and how did it become a disappeared space?

 What is now your opinion of Dodger Stadium?

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